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7 Tips to Set Your Pets Up for Success When You Move

Moving can be a stressful time, especially when you have pets. When you're moving into a spacious townhome or apartments, your furry friends need special care during this transition.

To help make the move smoother for both you and your pets, here are 7 essential tips for setting your pets up for success in your new home at Carriage Homes.

1. Prepare and Condition Your Pet

Moving to a new environment can be unsettling for pets. Before the big move, gradually introduce them to the moving process to minimize stress. At Carriage Homes, we understand the importance of comfort for both humans and pets, and these steps can help:

  • Introduce boxes, packing materials, and new scents ahead of time.

  • Make packing a gradual process so your pet adjusts to changes in their environment.

  • Offer familiar items like toys or blankets during packing for reassurance.

  • Ensure your dog gets plenty of exercise before the move to expend energy.

This will help your pet feel more at ease, reducing anxiety as you move into your new townhome near Edmonton.

Dog relaxing in a cozy living room at Carriage Homes, Spruce Grove’s pet-friendly townhomes near Edmonton.
Pet-Friendly Townhomes Near Edmonton at Carriage Homes

2. Pack an Overnight Bag for Your Pet

Just as you'd pack essentials for yourself, make sure to prepare an "overnight bag" for your pet. This will make the transition into your new townhome easier for them. Include:

  • Their bed or favorite blanket

  • Food, water, and bowls

  • Favorite toys for comfort

  • A leash and collar for neighborhood walks

  • Treats to reward them for good behavior

  • Any necessary medication and vet records

Having these items readily available will ensure your pet feels at home from the moment you arrive at Carriage Homes.

Happy dog and new home in a modern, pet-friendly townhome at Carriage Homes near Edmonton.
Stress-Free Moving with Pets to Carriage Homes Townhomes

3. Plan Your Vet Transition

Before moving to Carriage Homes, research local veterinarians in Spruce Grove or nearby Edmonton. Make sure you transfer your pet’s medical records and update their information on microchips and ID tags. This ensures you're prepared in case your pet needs medical attention during the move. For pets who are nervous travelers, consult your vet about natural or medical remedies to help them stay calm during the trip.

Pet owner visiting a local veterinarian in Spruce Grove to transfer medical records before moving to a pet-friendly townhome
Prepare Your Pet's Vet Transition Before Moving to Carriage Homes

4. Consider a Pet Sitter or a Safe Space

During the actual moving day, your pet may feel overwhelmed by all the activity. If possible, arrange for a friend or family member to care for your pet. If that’s not an option, create a quiet "safe zone" in your current home where your pet can stay undisturbed.

  • Set up a familiar area with their bed, toys, food, and water.

  • Play calming music or leave the TV on to drown out moving noise.

  • Check in on them regularly to provide reassurance.

At Carriage Homes, the pet-friendly design of our townhomes will ensure that your pet has a quiet place to adjust when you arrive.

Our pet-friendly townhomes offer a serene environment for pets to adjust smoothly
"Ensure Your Pet’s Comfort During Moving Day at new home for rent.

5. Bring Your Pet Along in the Move

When moving into your new townhome at Carriage Homes, try to transport your pet with you, rather than relying on a separate party. Familiar faces will help them feel safer, especially after a day of packing and travel. If someone else is bringing them, make sure to be there when they arrive to greet them and ease their anxiety.

6. Keep Your Pet Secure Until You’re Inside

New environments can be overwhelming for pets. When arriving at Carriage Homes, make sure your pet stays on a leash or in their carrier until you're safely inside. There will be plenty of new sights, smells, and sounds to explore, but it’s essential to prioritize their safety until you’ve settled in.

Once inside, set up a familiar space where your pet can relax while you unpack.

Pet secured in a carrier while moving into a new townhome at Carriage Homes. Create a safe space for your pet to relax as you unpack and settle into your new home.
Keep Your Pet Safe and Secure During Your Move to Carriage Homes

7. Create Positive Associations in Your New Home

Finally, make your new Carriage Homes townhome a positive place for your pet from day one. Offer treats, affection, and familiar items to help them settle in.

  • Establish their eating, sleeping, and play areas right away.

  • Stick to their normal feeding and exercise routines to reduce stress.

  • Take them on short, supervised walks around the neighborhood to explore their new surroundings.

By following these steps, your pet will soon feel just as at home as you do in your new townhome near Edmonton.

Pet enjoying treats and familiar toys in their new townhome for rent. Set up their spaces early, maintain routines, and explore the neighborhood to help them feel at home.
Create Positive Associations for Your Pet at Carriage Homes

Looking for Pet-Friendly Townhomes Near Edmonton?

At Carriage Homes, we offer pet-friendly townhomes with personalized entrances and plenty of space for you and your pets to feel right at home.

Book a tour today to find out why we’re the top choice for pet owners moving to Spruce Grove or the Edmonton area.


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